The icing on the cake: the Finnish Championship silver medal in the women’s 35-39-series |
The aftermath of Joroinen (HUOM! suomenkielinen teksti alla)
There went my fifth legendary Joroinen half-distance race. I didn’t quite accomplish the time I had hoped for due to the hot weather, slightly changed routing and the day’s energy levels. Just finishing the race is an accomplishment in such conditions. Hats off to all the racers!
The week preceding the Joroinen race didn’t go as smoothly as the preparation for the Luxemburg race, when I felt heightened sensitivity both in my body and mind. Now I felt neither for the whole week. My vacation started on Monday and I was more tired than I’ve been in a long time. I think I was coming down with flu, but I managed to fight it with some potions. I didn’t feel entirely confident with the up-coming race.
During the drive to Jyväskylä on Friday, the day before the D-Day, I was more upbeat but my body didn’t feel like it was in top shape. I thought that would change on the race day. Emotionally I kept feeling better, but my body felt down on Saturday too.
Most of the women in my age range started the race with me at 11:34, which meant that we passed those who had started before us during the biking section. The first part, swimming, went reasonably well. It took me some 38 minutes to finish. The route in the Joroinen race winds several times and you can’t always see the buoys, so you easily end up swimming a bit of extra. I even mixed up the boat men’s lifejackets with orange buoys. In the future it would be good to mark things with different colors.
When I switched from swimming to biking, I couldn’t find my bicycle anywhere. For a while I panicked and I was convinced that someone had taken my bike instead of theirs. Even my support troops could see how close I was to going to talk to the organizers. But I finally found the bike, when I looked for it some more – exactly where it was supposed to be ;).
The week preceding the Joroinen race didn’t go as smoothly as the preparation for the Luxemburg race, when I felt heightened sensitivity both in my body and mind. Now I felt neither for the whole week. My vacation started on Monday and I was more tired than I’ve been in a long time. I think I was coming down with flu, but I managed to fight it with some potions. I didn’t feel entirely confident with the up-coming race.
During the drive to Jyväskylä on Friday, the day before the D-Day, I was more upbeat but my body didn’t feel like it was in top shape. I thought that would change on the race day. Emotionally I kept feeling better, but my body felt down on Saturday too.
Most of the women in my age range started the race with me at 11:34, which meant that we passed those who had started before us during the biking section. The first part, swimming, went reasonably well. It took me some 38 minutes to finish. The route in the Joroinen race winds several times and you can’t always see the buoys, so you easily end up swimming a bit of extra. I even mixed up the boat men’s lifejackets with orange buoys. In the future it would be good to mark things with different colors.
When I switched from swimming to biking, I couldn’t find my bicycle anywhere. For a while I panicked and I was convinced that someone had taken my bike instead of theirs. Even my support troops could see how close I was to going to talk to the organizers. But I finally found the bike, when I looked for it some more – exactly where it was supposed to be ;).
I started the biking full of fighting spirit, since I knew I had lost time in the swimming and at the switching station in relation to my race sisters. The bike moved great, even though passing people took its toll. I got to ride the first 50 kilometers largely in the bypassing lane. There was a lot of tailgating. I yelled “PASSING” and “WATCH OUT” several times, and once I witnessed a bad-looking passing that was done from the wrong side. Luckily nothing worse happened. I got to the running station in good spirits, as the first in my age group. My biking time was 2 hours and 39 minutes in the slightly overlong bike section.
Running felt good at first, even if I was huffing and puffing a lot. The heat, the cumbersome route and my own energy levels took their tolls and my results weren’t the best they could have been. I managed to keep my No. 1 spot until I was half-way through the third and last running cirle. That’s when my team buddy Anu Henttonen, a familiar face already from the Finnish Championship sprint, managed to bypass me. Anu was running in her typically great fashion, so there was no catching up with her. My running time was 1 hour, 50 minutes and some seconds. I was particularly happy during and after the race that my knee wasn’t acting up. This time it didn’t slow me down, which was good.
Even if my body wasn’t at its best potential, my results were good enough for a Finnish Championship silver medal and for my own personal record in Joroinen: 5 hours, 14 minutes and 24 seconds. At the same time I proved that it’s possible to improve your time by at least five minutes each year.
Even if my body wasn’t at its best potential, my results were good enough for a Finnish Championship silver medal and for my own personal record in Joroinen: 5 hours, 14 minutes and 24 seconds. At the same time I proved that it’s possible to improve your time by at least five minutes each year.
Team Kiviranta-Mölsä’s medal row |
Now it’s onto the last trial – the Ironman Copenhagen. The race will take place on Sunday, August 24. I’m eagerly waiting to see what I will accomplish and what kinds of feelings I’ll have, as my thoughts are currently bouncing restlessly around my head. What’s clear is that I’ll strive to improve my last year’s first IM time from Kalmar, which was 10 hours and 58 minutes. If all goes well in Copenhagen, I could say I’d shoot for 10.5 hours. This is my challenge – let’s see how I’ll accomplish that. With these thoughts I’m off to enjoy the ultimate relaxation: a cabin by the lake.
A big thanks for Saturday’s troops, supporters and fellow racers! You made it a fine contest – without you the day would not have tasted as sweet as it felt then!
A big thanks for Saturday’s troops, supporters and fellow racers! You made it a fine contest – without you the day would not have tasted as sweet as it felt then!
Post-race relaxation at its best! |
Joroisten jälkipyykki
Kaupanpäälliseksi SM-hopeamitali N35-39-sarjassa |
Takana on viides legendaarisen Joroisten triathlonin puolimatkan startti. Helteinen keli, jonkin verran muuttuneet reitit sekä päivän iskukykyni eivät johtaneet ihan tavoiteltuun loppuaikaan. Jo maaliinpääsy on tuollaisissa kisaolosuhteissa melkoinen suoritus. Siispä hatunnosto kaikille kisaajille!
Joroisten kisan edeltävä viikko ei mennyt samalla fiiliksellä kuin Luxemburgiin-kisaan valmistautuessa. Silloin herkkyys oli sekä kropassa että mielessä. Nyt sitä ei tuntunut koko viikon aikana oikein kummassakaan. Loma alkoi maanantaina, ja olin väsyneempi kuin pitkään aikaan. Flunssa taisi tehdä tuloaan, mutta sain taltutettua sen tropeilla pois. Täyttä luottamusta omaan suoritukseen ei tuntunut. Ajeltuamme perjantaina, päivää ennen h-hetkeä, Jyväskylään mieliala koheni mutta kropan iskua ei tuntunut. Ajattelin, että kisapäivänä sitten. Fiilis kohenikin entisestään, mutta iskua vain ei kuulunut lauantainakaan.
Suurin osa ikäsarjassa kisanneista naisista starttasi matkaan kanssani klo 11:34, mikä tarkoitti aiemmin startanneiden ohitteluja pyöräilyssä. Ensimmäinen osuus, uinti, meni kohtuullisen hyvin. Siihen meni aikaa 38 minuuttia ja rapiat päälle. Joroisten-reitti tekee melko monta kulmaa eikä poijuja oikein aina näe, niinpä matkaan tulee helposti vähän ylimääräistä. Itse sekoitin jopa venemiesten liivit orasseiksi poijuiksi. Vastaisen varalle olisi paikallaan, että asiat merkittäisiin selvästi toisistaan erottuvilla väreillä.
Vaihtaessani uinnista pyöräilyyn pyörää ei löytynyt mistään. Hetken aikaa olin paniikissa ja aivan varma, että joku on ottanut pyöräni omansa tilalle. Kannustusjoukotkin ehtivät jo ilmeestäni päätellä, että menen pian kyselemään pyörääni järjestäjiltä. Löytyihän se kuitenkin sieltä, kun vähän etsi – vieläpä ihan oikeasta paikasta ;).
Lähdin pyöräosuuteen taistelutahtoa uhkuen, sillä tiesin menettäneeni uinnissa ja pyörävaihdossa aikaa kilpasiskoihini nähden. Pyörä meni hienosti, vaikkakin ohittelut vaativat veronsa. Sain ajaa ensimmäiset 50 km pitkälti ohituskaistaa. Peesausta oli paljon. Huusin useampaan otteeseen OHI ja VARO ja kerran olin todistamassa yhtä pahannäköistä ja väärältä puolelta tehtyä ohitusta. Onneksi ei sattunut pahempaa. Tulin pyörä-juoksuvaihtoon hyvissä voimissa ikäsarjani ensimmäisenä. Pyöräaika oli 2 h 39 min ja risat hieman ylipitkässä pyörässä.
Juoksu tuntui alkuun hyvältä, vaikka hengitys olikin aika puuskutusta. Helle, reitin kommervenkit ja oma iskukykyni kuitenkin vaativat veronsa eikä oma suoritukseni ollut paras mahdollinen. Sain pidettyä ykköspaikkani viimeisen eli kolmannen juoksukierroksen puoliväliin saakka, kunnes jo SM-sprintissä tutuksi tullut seurakaverini Anu Henttonen painoi tsempaten ohi. Anun juoksu kulki entiseen hienoon tyyliin, joten perässä ei ollut pysymistä. Juoksuaikani 1 h 50 min ja risat. Erityisen onnellinen olin kisan aikana ja sen jälkeen polven sallimasta eheästä kisasta, tällä kertaa se ei hidastanut menoa, mikä on hyvä se.
Vaikkei kropassa ollut paras isku, tulos riitti SM-hopeamitaliin ja omaan Joroisten-ennätykseen 5 h 14 min 24 sek. Samalla tuli todistettua, että sitä voi joka vuosi parantaa aikaansa vähintään viidellä minuutilla.
Team Kiviranta-Mölsän palkintorivistö |
Kiitos lauantain tukijoukot, kannustajat ja kanssakisaajat! Teitte kisasta hienon – ilman teitä päivä ei olisi maistunut siltä, miltä se silloin tuntui!
Kisan jälkeistä lepoa sen täydessä merkityksessään :) |